SOLD (1930) Cedric £225

Cedric is a English pale gold mohair teddy bear. Circa early 1930's 

He has the remains of a label.

He is a gorgeous character bear with an upturned snout and a very expressive face.
He stands at stands at 19" tall and is five ways disc jointed with all his joints working smoothly and 
is firmly stuffed with kapok in his body, limbs and head with just a little wood wool in his snout
 He has been loved with some loss to his pale golden mohair which is worse on his back and his tummy
but he has good coverage on his head, arms and legs and a handknitted jumper would cover up 
his tummy and back. I would estimate he has retained approximately 65% coverage overall. 
Cedric has retained most of his original features including his back painted glass eyes and brown cotton
nose stitching with just the faint outline of his mouth stitching remaining. His cotton paw pads are
in very good condition with no holes or damage and he has 2 claw stitches on his right foot, 3 on his
left foot out of 5, and none on his paws. I have shown a close up of his right foot pad in the 3rd photo so that
you can see the stitched remains of his old label. He will travel wearing his old rasberry pink
silk ribbon and he even has a faintly working tilt growler although you have to shake him
quite vigorously to get it to work so I would not recommend doing this too often!
He is a very well made early bear and although he has been loved he is still in good, sturdy
condition considering he is nearly 100 years old and he has bundles of charm and character.
Date 1930
Make French probably Fadap
Fabric Mohair Blond
Size 19 ins
Eyes Glass
Features outline of label
Jointed Fully Jointed
Pads Cotton 
Stuffing Woodwool/kapok
Clothes Bow
Number 195A

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