Sold (1923) 4 Aerolite B Rosie.£180

Rosie is a wonderful old English Chad Valley Aerolite bear made in the early 1920s who still has her celluloid Chad Valley Aerolite button on her chest. "Chad Valley Aerolite trade mark" The Chad Valley Aerolite was one of the first English bears to be made of a lighter softer filling and so had the  name Aerolite which made the bears more cuddly. She has lovely original glass moon eyes, original paw pads and 80% coverage of her corn coloured mohair which is clean and still very soft. This old Chad Valley bear has a lovely hump on her back and large carded flat feet. The old black nose has been re stitched at some time, however there are still remants of the original nose beneath. Made in the 1920s she measures 46cms 18”. She has her identification Chad Valley Celluloid button Chad Valley AEROLITE Trade mark


Date 1923-26
Make Chad Aerolite
Button Aerolite
Fabric Moon Eyes
Size 18 ins
Eyes Clear Glass
Features Replaced Triangular Stitched nose
Jointed Fully Jointed
Pads Carded brushed cotton Feet 4 paws 5 pads claws
Stuffing Aerolite
Clothes Dress
Growl Not Working
Number 209

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